Although I had yet to finish my novel (a familiar story),1 I finally had a tale to tell. And I needed a place to tell it. Thus, one week later (three years ago today) I started this blog.
And the rest, as they say,2 is history.3
I know I've been slacking in my bloggerly duties these past couple months, but as summer wanes and cool autumn breezes carry inspiration my way, I can promise you that's not going to change one bit. My son's just too dang cute.4 Plus, if I don't finish my novel sometime soon, I suspect Joseph Selby may shift from positive motivation to all-out threats.
Okay, fine, I'll try to slack less. After all, I love to entertain.5
But three years. Wow. Time sure flies when you're doing a bunch of stuff.
1 Not familiar: the novel, with its assassination plot involving invisible monkeys. (Unless that's a thing. If that's a thing, let me know post haste.) Familiar: to this day, the book remains unfinished. I'm nothing if not consistent.
2 Who is they and why are they always saying such things? You'd think by now they'd have learned to listen once in a while so they didn't repeat themselves so damn often.
3 Then again, everything that's ever happened in all of creation is history, technically speaking, so that phrase is as worthless as this simile.
4 He learned to walk this past Tuesday, and he does this adorable thing where he slips into the other room without the noticeable pit-pat-pit-pat he had when he crawled, and goes straight for the cat food.
5 The only chance I've had to entertain over the past few weeks was that time I was up on stage and valiantly saved that poor bat from the malevolent horde of shrieking 6-year-old girls. True story.