Monday, March 31, 2014

And Then The Professor Got His Hands On A Duplicator

About a year ago, I shared some Calvin & Hobbes with my son. This included parts of Scientific Progress Goes "Boink", which has a duplicator on its cover. He was only 1½ years old at the time, so I assumed he wouldn't absorb any of it. Little did I know...

For most kids, Calvin & Hobbes is a fun comic about a boy and his stuffed tiger.

For my son, it's a How-To manual.


  1. That would scare me!
    If he's reading Calvin and Hobbes, be prepared for some scary snowmen next year.

  2. this is really, really awesome. I would totally frame a photo like this because it's just so much fun

    1. Sarah, I may just have to do that. Because yes, framing is fun. (I frame people all the time.)

  3. So cute! I now have a granddaughter who's just begun to crawl, open cabinets, and shove everything in her mouth. (Oh, how I dread the outdoors and bug season.) At the end of a day of babysitting, I do feel as though there are about 20 of her instead of just one.

    1. Well, luckily I've never had to deal with 20. He maxed out at about 17. (Three are in the kitchen.)

  4. Oh my goodness, you and your wife have produced one (I mean seventeen or better) absolutely adorable child! You've got some great genetics going on there. Maybe you'll duplicate--er, reproduce again, but in little sister format someday!

    1. Thanks, Bridget! And although he'd be great with a little sister, a girl would be more expensive for us... all our hand-me-downs are from boys (seventeen or so of my son plus four nephews).

    2. But, with the duplicator, you can just borrow clothing for an hour or two and make those seventeen copies.

    3. Oh, if it were only that simple. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to use the duplicator. Your grandson may have a knack with the technology, but I haven't been able to replicate his work at all. (Pun intended.)

      There's not a single button, switch, or dial on the contraption, and it doesn't seem to be voice-activated. I'm at a loss. Maybe you can figure it out.
