Announcing The Wheel’s 3rd Annual Haiku Contest!
First came ninja haiku. Then, pirates. Following those, this year there was only one logical choice: Robots.
It's not difficult:
You just write five syllables,
Then seven, then five.
And it must involve robots in some way. How you incorporate them — and which variety of robot you use — is completely up to you.
To enter, write your own robot-themed haiku in the comments section below. Three lucky winners will receive
I will be selecting the best haiku in each of two categories:
- Humorous/Creative
- Traditional (i.e. eloquent, evocative, etc.)
The deadline to submit a haiku is this Monday, May 7 at 5:00pm (Eastern Time).
Robot poetry.
Let's make it happen, people.
Contest begins... now.
Official Rules:
- To enter, post robot-themed haiku in the comment section below. Multiple submissions are allowed, but if you submit more than five (5), you will exceed your data limit and be charged for each additional entry. And by "charged," I mean pumped full of electricity.
- Standard haiku rules apply. To qualify, each entry must be a three-line poem, the first line containing exactly 5 syllables, the second line 7 syllables, and the third line 5 syllables. If you miscount, the system will automatically detect this and break your entry down for parts. You will not win.
- The contest is open until Monday, May 7, 2011 at 5:00pm, Eastern Time. If you try to sneak an entry in after the deadline, the system will automatically eradicate your last line. Your haiku will then be one line short, and will be disqualified.
- Entries must be in English. (i.e. Using Japanese kanji will not help you win for best traditional haiku. If I can't understand your entry, I'll assume it's encrypted code, and for the sake of national security never let it see the light of day. You will not win.)
- Anonymous entries will not win. If you don't tell me who you are, clearly you are a hacker trying to infiltrate my system. I will lock you out of the system, and your entry out of the contest.
- Prizes will be awarded in each of three categories: Humorous/Creative, Traditional, and Next Favorite.
- Three (3) first place winners will each receive a $25 gift card from either Amazon or iTunes (their choices).
- An indeterminate number of Honorable Mentions will receive bragging rights over everyone who doesn’t win. Also, honor (mentioned).
- I will act as sole judge, and select the winning haiku based on the aforementioned criteria, as well as other criteria I make up as I go along. All decisions are final, and will not be changed under any circumstances unless some robot is sent back from the future to do so.