If you're wondering why it took over three weeks to name contest winners, I've been busy. You know, for the usual reasons: I was attacked by a pack of rabid squids, it took ages to find that one missing sock, and of course, for a few days in there I completely forgot where I lived.
Anyway, thanks to everyone who entered! You made it tough to pick the winners; I switched sides a few times, double-crossed myself, added a bonus prize... and then went evil.If your entry isn't highlighted below, know that it was still super. Unless you're my dad. And if you haven't done so already, make sure to check out all the entries.
Honorable Mention
As usual, Joelle found a way to work in pantslessness.
Being a heroAnd as usual, someone found a way to go sophomoric. In this case, it was j. james (who, interestingly enough, also had the most literary entry).
Means having courage to wear
Underwear outside.
Wonder Woman planeAnd my nephew Solly had by far the best haiku of anyone under the age of 30. (He's 4.)
Has Invisible bathroom
Hard to poop in there
Superheroes fly.
Superheroes have power.
They land on the ground.
First Place - Humorous
j. james eked out the humor win with his crack at the dark knight.
Batman likes his tights
Powder helps to slip them on
Robin thinks they stink
First Place - Traditional
Christine takes this prize with a bit of duality.
I have both in me
Push off the cliff and rescue
Always wear my mask
First Place - Delicious
Yup, I decided to go with a third winner after all. Like Winnie the Pooh, I always follow my stomach. This one goes to Marian Allen for her different take on the topic.
Turkey, ham, and cheese
Within a cloak of fresh bread --
My kind of hero.
First Place - In Which I'm Evil
And lastly, my sister Naomi entered one of my favorites of the competition, in part because it resonates so much with the writer in me...
Who intends evil?...however, I'm biased against her, so I decided she doesn't get a prize. Which means I'm being evil just to be evil, and thus negates her haiku. Ha!
No one. Your villain may be
Somebody's hero.
And that brings my 6th annual haiku contest to a close. Marian, Christine, and j. james, if you haven't already heard from me, please write me at theothernate@yahoo.com so I'll have your email address and can send the Amazon gift cards your way.
One final haiku
Not for any real reason
Um... Excelsior!