Come April, you'll be getting a bit more of me than you're used to. Whereas I typically put together maybe six blog posts a month, for a limited period of time you'll get to enjoy me six times a week.1
What's the occasion? I signed up for Arlee Bird's Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. The goal: To craft a new post every day, each one themed on the next letter of the alphabet. The only days we get off are Sundays.2

I don't have a specific theme planned, but I will try to tie each post back to letters in some way. If not individual letters, then words. If not words, then grammar, or at least some aspect of the English language. Failing that, I may talk about ninjas.
I have almost the whole month plotted out already, although I have nothing for N. And, for Z? Zip, zero, zilch. Luckily, I have plenty of time to iron out the details. And my pants.4
No matter what, it should be a fun month. I'll do all the work; you just sit back and enjoy. Maybe you'll even learn a thing or two.
Or twenty-six.
1 I know. I'd be scared, too.
2 For that is the day of our lord, and us lowly serfs must till the fields for him, and perhaps argue with men holding coconuts about what constitutes a legitimate basis for a system of government.
3 Sense is overrated, anyway. Except for my smug sense of superiority. After all, that's the best thing about me. Everyone knows that.
4 I'm kidding; I've never actually ironed my pants. Isn't it ironic? Don't you think? Or perhaps my inner Alanis showing...