Once again, I will be participating in the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. What this means is during April I'll be writing a themed post for each of the 26 letters in the (English) alphabet.1
Last year I may have gone a little overboard with the creativity, incorporating everything from anagrams to science to math to love letters to Star Wars to thumbtacks to vampires vs. velociraptors. So, this time around I thought I'd reel things back a bit. And by a bit, I mean all the way. This year, my posts will exhibit no creativity whatsoever.2
You see, my lessons with The Professor (now nearly 9 months old!) take up a great deal of my time these days. Thus, rather than try to come up with 26 original ideas to entertain you, I will instead share things other people have already come up with, in the hopes I can entertain you by proxy.
Each day, I shall highlight items I feel far more people need to know about. One film, one television show, one board or card game, one musical artist, one book.
I won't necessarily be sharing my favorites for each letter; I want to focus on the lesser-known entities that deserve more attention: independent and foreign films, shows cancelled before their time, bands on the edge of mainstream, that sort of thing. Of course, as I am a product of my upbringing, the vast majority of my recommendations will be from the past twenty years, but I make no apologies for this.3
It all begins this Sunday. I'll see you then.4
1 With the possible exception of G. It knows what it did.
2 Okay, that's a lie. It's just something I do. I lie. In fact, though my posts will only contain the bare minimum of creativity allowed by maritime law, I promise you there will be a metric tonne of lies. Also: cake.
3 Sorry about my lack of apologies.
4 Not literally. I may be all-knowing, but I'm not all-seeing. (Note to the gullible: I am not all-knowing, either. Also, you owe me money.)