First of all, thank you to everyone who entered this year's contest! Because of you — and especially Tara and Tyrean, who also spread the word on their blogs — my job as judge was that much harder. Yet, I went into the judging like a well-oiled machine. Too well oiled, in fact. My mind kept slipping, and at the end I was drained.
Anyway, onto the awards. As usual, the mechanisms of my judging were guided by extreme prejudice and no logic whatsoever. And if you haven't already done so, make sure to
read all of the entries.
Dishonorable Mention
Once again, my father (
BCFN) insulted both haiku and the prize in 17 syllables. I won't be reprinting his schlock here.
Plain Old Mention
I appreciated
Laurie Peel's entry: A haiku praising my haiku about how to write haiku. But it had nothing to do with robots, so she's out.
Honorababble Mentions
These two would have been in the running, if not for one pesky extra syllababble. It's too bad; I enjoyed them both. First, from
Tyrean Martinson, life comes to the lifeless:
lights switch on displays
after the science fair closes
a mind awakens
Budd harkens the dawning of a new age:
Rise my Bretheren
let us strike down our oppressors
Enter the steel age
Honorable Mentions
Thanks to
Owen, we learned the fate of someone long since forgotten:
Out of a soundless
wasteland sticks the bold head of
Mister Roboto
Zongrik showed us we're not so far off from the Jetsons after all:
digital housemaid
room disinfection robot
it's the modern age
Tara Tyler tells us what we pretty much already know:
laziness is doom
robots do all and faster
humans obsolete
First Place — Traditional
I find this category the toughest to choose every year. This one was very close, but in the end, I called in the super-secret tie-breaking judge (my wife), who coaxed me into choosing a haiku by someone I had to coax into participating. From
Lynda R Young:
A rusted robot
Its mechanics whirs and purs
Needs oil and falls down
First Place — Humorous / Creative
Humor was a little harder to come by this year than in past contests — apparently ninjas and pirates are funnier subjects than robots — but it didn't stop
Mooderino. He takes home the prize with this little number:
As R2D2
Exclaimed to C3PO
"Brr wee ping woo woo!"
First Place — Robopocalypse
I knew I'd be awarding a third prize, but I only decided on the category after I chose the third winner.
Budd claims this one with some sage advice on how we can survive the uprising:
How can we survive?
the machines have risen up.
Divide by zero
And that'll do it. Lynda, Moody, and Budd, send me an email and let me know your gift card preference (Amazon, iTunes, etc).
Congratulations to all the winners, and thanks again to everyone who entered!